well.. yesterday was so fun..
gabbi shane jonno william oliver george came... it was sorta dissapointing that not everyone i intended to invite could come.... oliver came with his bally bag and his marc jacobs toletries bag and swarovski headphones for his ipod touch( thought i just might tell u guys)
WEll it was not too good at the beggining.. we were quite anti social... playing consoles.. then we played tennis.. which was also ridiculous.. cuz george wrecked eveything.. then we were fed up and went back home.. we then went back home to play more games.. ate sum stuff.. and then we were all going crazy. well only me george and oliver.. about shane going on my bed.. etc..
the fun happened soon..
we then did modeling shoots. lol.. quite fun..some ended up ugly.

My work of art on the left ( we had many attempts to get the right one.. ).. and shanes work of art .. on the right.. goegre loved posing.

A accidental shoot of lighting .. of jonno after hair styled
then we did jonnos hair.. (me and george) cuz it was quite ugly..lol. .before.. and we made it hot!. lol me and george were so proud of ourselves.. george mainly did the back and i did the front.. i then we both collaborated. we used a lot of gel and hairspay.. i hope jonno can get it all off.. its really hard.. anyway.. me and george knew that jonno felt happy inside. though.. knowing him.. he doestn like saying this out aloud.. he said. " i'll just tell people i did this for a dare".. me and geogre said.. "u know what... we should help u do this for the formal.." and btw... jonno went.. "can u guys teach me how to do this?" that also shows that he mustve thought it was relaly good.. we also used a hair straigtener..
Before hair styled.. ..
it was fun.. we then did truth questions.. etc.. thats where things got to a new level... and i guess u know what we are talking about.. .. something relating.. to ... a three letter word starting with S and ending in X... anyway.. it got interesting..
we were really intersdted in each other.. lol. . ..
i really felt closer to everyone after last night... william and jono left at about 10 and we slept at like 12/1am
so today george oliver and me went shopping at paddington.. i bought a gstar jacket.. and george abuot a few bargain items .. $10 shorts.. which of course i picked out.. and a t shirt from frat house and a g star t shirt.
anyway.. funnest.. day.. really happy.. it was up and down.. but it ended up really good..
More photos:
both my pradas..

william classic pose.. while one hand on ds

my pradas on gabbi

oliver and gabbi
on the couch.. ( me and george)

as u can see.. jonnos trying to act gay.. lol. and geoge is slapping him.. and im just flustered. lol

we love each other. lol

flustered pose.lol

william absored into ds . .. jono .. hmm.. i haf nothign to say. lol

hes not telling off sumone.. its a pose. lol

another random.
it was really FUN.. overall.. .. we'll see.. there may be more pics.. duno yet. ..

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