hey. it was awesome. well.. we were at collaroy centre.. like a walk away from the beach.. we all traveled to school and arrived at school at 2.15pm on sunday.. parents students everyone was there.. then we marked our names off and got on to i think 5 buses.. i was with murphy, latham(my house) and stevenson .. thank goodness i had william to talk to on the bus... we left and we got to collaroy centre .. cant remember time.. .. when we got there.. we got our luggage off.. and went into the main auditoriam hall.. listened to teachers.. etc..etc .. talk ..talk why we are here.. then got into our rooms. our house was split into 2 rooms. there was me, tim, zac, sherrie( thats his last name.. his real name is michael), james, justin and richard.. and there was the other room.. i was glad i was in that room.. i liked the people in it. ..then there was a guest speaker.. and told about his life story .. etc.. hes been locked up .. for stealing.. etc.. telling us we shouldnt do.. "there are never bad people, just bad decisions"
a few hours later.. we got back to our rooms.. stayed for a while and went to dinner.. dinner was.. something like mash potato. and sumthing. .. we then went and played mini olympics where there were lots of different games.. like throwing paper aeroplanes to see how many u can get it on a table through a distance.. puttputt.. u know the kinda games.. then we went back to our rooms about 10pm and talked .. some peopel had showers.. etc.. and we talked ate food.. and at 11pm it was lights out.. though we still talked.. oh.. btw zac actually came.. it was unexpeected as we thought he was coming back from egypt on 24th ocotober and he actaully came back on the actually day .. not much jet lag.. but he brought his egyptian robe thing... lol. forgot wat it was called..(found it.. its called gilabi) it was interesting to see.. hm. .. he chucked poses for phones.. i'll see if i can get one off someone. ...
the next day.. we woke up at 7.15 for breakfast and other people went for fishing, tennis or runs.. this was voluntary and only richard went,. he did tennis... we then went and went for breakfast.. after taht.. we went and did challange courses, listen to the head master, TESS (like ur jobs.. wat kinda person you are. .etc.. psycology stuff) and listened to our masters of the senior school. .. the challanges were the best.. first we did the wall. .. we had to get people over the wall.. it was like really high.. and we had to get each other over..there was a place up there that you can go inside.. and then go off .. ( i hope you get wat i mean). . we lifted eache other up.. etc... i climbed up the wall once. lol.. tim didnt go up as he had an injury on his leg.. ( btw the rest of my house members are joseph, thomas, james ( this is another james) ,haran, alex, jonno,.. i think thats it. .. zac basically couldve climbed the wall himself.. so tall and strong.. btw.. tim's strong too... the next challange was the maze.. we took turns in being blindfolded in pairs and we gave each other instructions to finish the maze.. was hard.. i was with haran. .. we then went and did the swing thing.. where we had to swing across with a rope to a blue mat that we all had to say on.. and in between was lava.. lol.. u know what i mean. that was fun. .. we then balanced on a log.. and that was fun.. and some of us rolled off.. lol.
then there was free time and i went to the beach with the majority with george.. it was okay.. sunny.. god.. girls you shoudl be there. to check out lol. there are actaully quite fit people in our year. lol. anyway.. i was basially the servant for george buying him coke. etc.. anyway it was okay.. didint do much
later that day.. we were to do a skit. .play ...sorta thing.. about an ethic issue.. we chose homosexuality .. mr bishop decided it was a good topic.. not many people would do it.... our story was .. there is a gay that comes out to his best freind.. at his house.. then next day the best freind tells all the other freinds and hes not accepted except for one freind.. then the gay is sad.. and goes home and tells his parents why hes been so depresseed.. at the end it was suppose to haf a scene for the gays best freinds .. where the best freind writes that hes actually a gay .. (known as closet gay).. officially i was the gay.. ( i wonder why,. lol.. ) and tim was the closet gay ( cuz hes really masculine and no one would expect it.. btw hes a blonde. lol just had to put that info in) we rehersed then we changed people.. so then finally i was the mother .. and richard( asian was the gay).. the skit was really dramatic.. and i made a really big scene as the mother.. etc.. everyone was like.. omg darren.. he gets the best acting prize. anway... yea.. that was the night..
that day i got to know a new kid.. from canberra hes a diver and hes sorta like our group. flamboyant. etc.. hes called ben.. we'll see how far he'll go in our group.. lets see if he'l become our freind.. will he be finally the new bitch recruit.. .lol.. hes not bitchy at all. btw.lol .. i suupose hes german.. as hes got a german last name..
the next day,. which was today.. we did some activties.. like master minds.. bridge buildin and theatre sports.. it was fun.. came 3rd in theatre sports and 2nd in bridge building.. we then had lunch there and got back to school around 3pm
during the conference we had talks about leadership, relationships, caring for each other, understanding, things like that.. i thought the camp was goign to be crap.. but it ended up really good.. i really enjoyed it.. so today tim was cold.. so i lent him my sweater.. i felt really good about it.. somehow. .i hope our relationship was a house will grow
ive been really emotional since i got home.. i miss the company of my house group and it brought back memories.. ive been crying today.. back at home.. i know im wierd.. but please.. this is all private.. i just feel that i rember when we were all year 7s.. when tim richard , who were in my cabin were so young.. and now we are old. .. i dont want to get to year 12 and leave.. i'll be forgotten,, and may never see these people again.. and i really feel it.. and reunions.. i heard its like every 10 years... how many 10 years do i haf ? .. maybe 8 or 9 ? thats not many.. and then our lives would end.. its so short.
sob sob..
a few hours later.. we got back to our rooms.. stayed for a while and went to dinner.. dinner was.. something like mash potato. and sumthing. .. we then went and played mini olympics where there were lots of different games.. like throwing paper aeroplanes to see how many u can get it on a table through a distance.. puttputt.. u know the kinda games.. then we went back to our rooms about 10pm and talked .. some peopel had showers.. etc.. and we talked ate food.. and at 11pm it was lights out.. though we still talked.. oh.. btw zac actually came.. it was unexpeected as we thought he was coming back from egypt on 24th ocotober and he actaully came back on the actually day .. not much jet lag.. but he brought his egyptian robe thing... lol. forgot wat it was called..(found it.. its called gilabi) it was interesting to see.. hm. .. he chucked poses for phones.. i'll see if i can get one off someone. ...
the next day.. we woke up at 7.15 for breakfast and other people went for fishing, tennis or runs.. this was voluntary and only richard went,. he did tennis... we then went and went for breakfast.. after taht.. we went and did challange courses, listen to the head master, TESS (like ur jobs.. wat kinda person you are. .etc.. psycology stuff) and listened to our masters of the senior school. .. the challanges were the best.. first we did the wall. .. we had to get people over the wall.. it was like really high.. and we had to get each other over..there was a place up there that you can go inside.. and then go off .. ( i hope you get wat i mean). . we lifted eache other up.. etc... i climbed up the wall once. lol.. tim didnt go up as he had an injury on his leg.. ( btw the rest of my house members are joseph, thomas, james ( this is another james) ,haran, alex, jonno,.. i think thats it. .. zac basically couldve climbed the wall himself.. so tall and strong.. btw.. tim's strong too... the next challange was the maze.. we took turns in being blindfolded in pairs and we gave each other instructions to finish the maze.. was hard.. i was with haran. .. we then went and did the swing thing.. where we had to swing across with a rope to a blue mat that we all had to say on.. and in between was lava.. lol.. u know what i mean. that was fun. .. we then balanced on a log.. and that was fun.. and some of us rolled off.. lol.
then there was free time and i went to the beach with the majority with george.. it was okay.. sunny.. god.. girls you shoudl be there. to check out lol. there are actaully quite fit people in our year. lol. anyway.. i was basially the servant for george buying him coke. etc.. anyway it was okay.. didint do much
later that day.. we were to do a skit. .play ...sorta thing.. about an ethic issue.. we chose homosexuality .. mr bishop decided it was a good topic.. not many people would do it.... our story was .. there is a gay that comes out to his best freind.. at his house.. then next day the best freind tells all the other freinds and hes not accepted except for one freind.. then the gay is sad.. and goes home and tells his parents why hes been so depresseed.. at the end it was suppose to haf a scene for the gays best freinds .. where the best freind writes that hes actually a gay .. (known as closet gay).. officially i was the gay.. ( i wonder why,. lol.. ) and tim was the closet gay ( cuz hes really masculine and no one would expect it.. btw hes a blonde. lol just had to put that info in) we rehersed then we changed people.. so then finally i was the mother .. and richard( asian was the gay).. the skit was really dramatic.. and i made a really big scene as the mother.. etc.. everyone was like.. omg darren.. he gets the best acting prize. anway... yea.. that was the night..
that day i got to know a new kid.. from canberra hes a diver and hes sorta like our group. flamboyant. etc.. hes called ben.. we'll see how far he'll go in our group.. lets see if he'l become our freind.. will he be finally the new bitch recruit.. .lol.. hes not bitchy at all. btw.lol .. i suupose hes german.. as hes got a german last name..
the next day,. which was today.. we did some activties.. like master minds.. bridge buildin and theatre sports.. it was fun.. came 3rd in theatre sports and 2nd in bridge building.. we then had lunch there and got back to school around 3pm
during the conference we had talks about leadership, relationships, caring for each other, understanding, things like that.. i thought the camp was goign to be crap.. but it ended up really good.. i really enjoyed it.. so today tim was cold.. so i lent him my sweater.. i felt really good about it.. somehow. .i hope our relationship was a house will grow
ive been really emotional since i got home.. i miss the company of my house group and it brought back memories.. ive been crying today.. back at home.. i know im wierd.. but please.. this is all private.. i just feel that i rember when we were all year 7s.. when tim richard , who were in my cabin were so young.. and now we are old. .. i dont want to get to year 12 and leave.. i'll be forgotten,, and may never see these people again.. and i really feel it.. and reunions.. i heard its like every 10 years... how many 10 years do i haf ? .. maybe 8 or 9 ? thats not many.. and then our lives would end.. its so short.
sob sob..
Mate, you can always arrange more regular meetups with the guys you know better. S'what we're planning to do.
I think the school gets the same speaker in every year for the first night. Talks about how he got arrested for something on his birthday? Cool guy.
PS. Pink > > > > Black. Jus' sayin'.
man, camp sounded so fun! specally the challenges
irls you shoudl be there. to check out lol. there are actaully quite fit people in our year. lol. <---- AHAHAHAHA you're so funneh XD
Our yr10 camp had the same goals, to bond and to share. i guess getting ot yr12 is getting a little too real now, but it's bound to be more of a good thing than bad.
<3 feel better. You've got your friends with you for another two years. YEY!
I wanna meet Ben! is he good looking? xD I ARE JOKING!
i'll miss them.. 2 years isnt enough.. its not just the freinds but thinking as a single child and being at school most of my life, they are like my brothers.. i saw them when i was young and growin up.
um.. george and oliver thinks ben is wierd.. that there is sumthing more to him.. i duno.. i just hope it doest turn out bad.. hes a diver.. with half scholarship. . so im thinking its not too bad..
My aim this term onwards is to be freinds with tim.. and another guy in our year.. hopefully bonding with them. and i know its goign to be a challange.. i'll try and do it gradually..
they dont treat u like bro's
and there are advantages to being an only child =D
tho ocationally it does suck
and like u won't keep in contact with me -.- tho yknow
and dont 4get that in uni ull make new friends (choose better when u get that fresh start btw)
and the challanges at camp are fun
just cos Decon can create the harbour bridge from thin air while other airhead can do bugger all -.-.-.-
back on topic...
b happy that there are awsome ppl like me who stay friend for longer then school
(this is the point barny and co are running away) but yea
do as the fish does
*regei voice* dont worry *hums tune* be happy
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